Lil Xan has reportedly canceled five upcoming concerts due to the countless hours he put into making his new album, Be Safe. According to TMZ, the project — a tribute to the late Mac Miller — was too taxing on the 22-year-old rapper.
Subsequently, he decided to take a break and resume his touring schedule on November 6 with a show in Colorado.
Xan has shared several social media posts indicating he’s been hard at work on the album.
On Monday (October 29), the Redlands, California native posted a video clip of the song “Worst Day Ever.” The single art is a photo of Miller.
Miller passed away on September 7 of a suspected drug overdose. Xan initially said he was “retiring” from rap altogether following Miller’s death.
“What Mac Miller meant to me — he was my idol, my hero, the main reason I really wanted to pursue music ’cause music was really never what I wanted to do,” Xan said. “I wanted to be a photographer and just got tangled in this life. He’s the reason I pursued music and mainly the reason I’m quitting music.”
Soon after, he was taken to the hospital after claiming he’d overdosed on Hot Cheetos and has since resumed his rap career.
Be Safe — which Xan says are the last words Miller said to him — is expected to arrive on December 2.